
Doctor Who Season 8 Episode 3: The Claws of Axos (blog part two)

As soon as the ship landed the homeless bloke went to go investigate.The ship door opens, the homeless bloke walks in and sees this spaghetti looking alien.->(see pic it's an Axos ) there's screaming then he dies (now who's going to pick up the old bikes?) .The Doctor and UNIT takes a closer look as they go in side the ship and finds a Eye looking at them and sounds the alarm, which hurts the Doctors
head as its scanning his mind,Joe stays back at HQ but not for long, as she sneaks by the gate and goes toward the ship the doors open as Joe steps in,The Doctor headache is gone and they soon find there way to meet the human golden looking Axos. (see pic) The Doctor hears Joe scream and runs to her. Joe tells them that she seen the spaghetti alien but it disappears before they could see it and hears Bill Filers calling out to see if anyone hears him.(which of course she did) 
We find The Master ( I don't know why he's there but oh well its the master.*shrugs*)  and Bill Filers in a captive state,Bill brings out a gun (and why he has it?) and tries to shoot out of his captive state(it does not help) The Master tells him that he should shoot to the left of the ship he shoots and ...to be continued.....-_^

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